Community Events
The Strivers’ Row community is proud to host seasonal public events, inviting guests from across the City to experience the beautiful legacy of this historic district. You can find upcoming and past public events here… for residents-only events, such as block association meetings, please see the Residents Portal.
Past events
Halloween on Strivers Row is a fun, child friendly event. We usually obtain a permit to block traffic to create a safe environment for the many trick-or-treaters who pass through. All residents are welcome to sit out on your stoop and pass out candy!
Come out and enjoy the 7th Annual Strivers Row Fall Fest featuring pony rides, a bounce house, basketball, table games, face painting, fresh donuts, and more! This annual event has become a favorite for children and adults alike.
West 138TH Street Striver’s Row Landmark Block Association is proud to announce the second annual Brownstone Beats music collective. Celebrating the talent of local, contemporary musicians and echoing the music of the past.
All residents are invited to participate in handing out candy! The Block Association had requested a permit to close the street to traffic to keep the children safe.
All are welcome to attend and participate in the first Strivers Row Music Collective. Celebrating the talent of local, contemporary musicians and echoing the music of the past.
Spring is a time to clean up the block. Residents are encouraged to come out and help!
Come out and enjoy the Annual Strivers Row Fall Fest featuring pony rides, a bounce house, basketball, table games, face painting, fresh donuts, and more!
Residents are welcome to participate in planting flowers in the gardens around the trees to beautify our block.
Community Directory
The people of Strivers’ Row continue to be made up of artists and professionals alike. Our community directory showcases some of the amazing freelancers, small businesses, and organizations that call Strivers’ Row home.
Residents Portal
Our community is only as vibrant as the people who live here and care to get involved! Use the Residents Portal to learn how you can help, find details of residents-only events, look up association contact information, or pay your community dues.